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Here are more before and after photos.

I use an Olympus digital camera, the best cameras in the world, so any white dots you see on the images are actually air-borne dust particles, so good is the lens, and not stuff on the floor.

This floor is real parquet. Parquet is defined in my Edwardian Trade Encyclopedia as 'Wooden floors made by nailing 4 by 1 inch battens to the sub-floor with 1 inch panel pins.' Nowadays the parquet comes in ready made squares with a felt backing which is glued to the sub-floor, usually about 18 inch square. Many people mistake woodblock as parquet, woodblock is usually 9 by 2.5 inch blocks just under an inch thick. You can get it less than half inch thick, and then it is termed battens, and they are still usually nailed with panel pins. They can be purchased as pre-fabricated squares as well.

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